It is only fitting that he was recognized from the Congress of The United Sates of America for his many contributions to the sport of bowhunting as International Ambassador of Bowhunting.
With over 5 decades of hunting experience. Gary has become one of the most successful bow hunters in the world. After traveling to 6 continents, 125+ countries to hunt for over 125 species of big game animals, In 1995 Gary received the SCI World Bow Hunter’s Hall-Of-Honor Award for exhibiting the highest degree of integrity, success in the field and Lifetime Contribution To The Past And Future Growth of Bow Hunting and Archery.
In March 2002 a special honor was given to Gary during The 107th US Congress Session The Honorable James Barcia of Michigan in the U.S. House Of Representatives recognized and presented Gary with a reading of his Hunting And Archery Accomplishments into the Congressional Record and recognized him as the International Ambassador Of Bow Hunting."
Gary is a hunter and leader in wildlife conservation.
A native of Muskegon, Michigan, Gary traces his passion for the outdoors to his youth when he first began hunting small game and whitetail deer. The son of a Michigan Conservation Officer, Gary quickly developed a zeal for wildlife conservation and hunting, especially bow hunting. By age 17, he owned an archery shop and was producing arrows for local archers. Today, after more than 45 years devoted to archery and bow hunting, Gary is known as the ‘‘International Ambassador of Bow Hunting.’’
An avid sportsman, Gary’s hunting skills and achievements are legendary throughout the world. He has hunted five continents and has harvested over 60 different big game species with his bow. In May 1991 he was the first bow hunter to hunt the former Soviet Union and take a Russian Kamchalka brown bear, Russian Saiga antelope, Chukotka moose, Sika stag and a Marco Polo Argali sheep. He holds an astounding number of hunting records. Gary has taken over 25 African species of big game animals and his white rhino currently ranks as the top one ever taken with a bow. In North America, he has more than 29 big game species to his credit, including his Safari Club International top-ranked polar bear. Gary is only the fifth bow-hunter to successfully complete the North American Super Slam, harvesting all 28 North American big game animals with a bow and arrow. He also is currently the only bow hunter to have taken a Marco Polo sheep with a bow and arrow. In 1995, Gary earned the Safari Club International World Bow Hunters Hall-of-Honor Award for exhibiting the highest degree of integrity, success in the field and lifetime contribution to the past and future growth of bow hunting and archery. He deeply believes that wildlife is a renewable resource and that hunting plays an important role in its management.
Gary Bogner has many contributions. And he will continue to shoot straight and true on behalf of hunters, archers and wildlife conservationists throughout the world.